Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Introvert or Extrovert: Which Group do You Belong

In a world where over 7 billion people live, it is quite enigmatic that there are only two types of people in this world. Well, of course this is only based from a general point of view. The good news is they’ve recently presented more specific personality types. From two groups, they’ve branched it out to as high as 16 groups. But, for this article, we’ll focus on the two main groups of people, the introverts and the extroverts. So, how is this relevant. Well, basically, knowing if you’re an introvert or extrovert will help cope with society. At some point in your life, you have to interact with various people. It will greatly help if you can amend  some of your behaviors to keep a balanced and functional social health. Plus, this is not only about you. Knowing the traits of your counterparts will also help you adjust and develop a mutual understanding. With that, here are the traits of an introvert and an extrovert.

Credit: Petr Kratochvil
Traits of an introvert

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Well, you are an introvert if you prefer solitude and serenity over festivity and crowd. While not all introverts want total isolation, most of them prefer privacy and space. Most of them like to read books, write and they prefer making art than admiring one. They think and analyze a situation first before they speak and do any activities. However, most introverts are not social beings by nature. They get anxious or irritated when they’re in a crowded area. People often view them as complex, shy and unapproachable. Nonetheless, don’t be afraid to approach them. They can also be nice, witty, funny and friendly. They are just cautious, reserved and observant of the people around them since privacy is something that they value most. 

Traits of an extrovert

To fully assess if you’re an introvert or extrovert, lets talk about the counterparts of an introvert. Basically, you’ll know you’re an extrovert if you have these traits.

Extroverts love crowds and meeting various people. They are friendly, expressive, gregarious and carefree. They are very energetic and they love outdoor activities. Extroverts are oftentimes considered as the life of the party. Since, they can allure you with their confidence and social abilities. However, most of them are frank or tactless. This is because they seldom think before they speak and act. Nonetheless, they have a great career in politics, marketing and education. Since, they can easily persuade you with their charm and wit. 


While not all introverts or extroverts possess the exact traits mentioned above, if you have most of the traits in one type, then you belong under that group. However, don’t let this dictate your future. It is actually advisable to be in the middle. What does this mean? Most experts believe that you have a healthy social life and skills if you possess traits of both types of personalities. Plus, if you can interact with both types of people, you can certainly avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Hence, if you’re an introvert by nature, you can try to adjust and cope with the energetic life of an extrovert and the other way around. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pre-Wedding Jitters: A Normal Phase in every Wedding

Wedding planning is hard and a very stressful task for most couples. The truth is, every bride and groom experiences pre-wedding jitters once in a while. Just remind yourself that you’ll never know what’s on the other side of the road unless you surpass your fears. Lastly, you should believe that this is definitely meant for you. Just trust your instinct and leap for tomorrow’s happiness.

Common factors that cause pre-wedding jitters

There are a lot of factors that can cause a bride and a groom to experience pre-wedding jitters. Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. Primarily because, we all experiences intense emotions before a special event. Often times, we feel an urge to back-out. But, eventually we just need to gather our strength and face our fears. With that, here are some reasons that might explain why those butterflies in your stomach are there before your special day.

  • Stress – It’s the primary reason why most couples experience pre-wedding jitters. Ok, it’s the big day for you. You want it to be the best thing that could ever happen in your life. You’ve worked hard and tried everything in your power to make it work. In the end, all those tensions and pressure will consume you. If this ever happens, just relax and take some time to reflect why you’re doing this in the first place. Think about all those days that you and your special someone spent feeling so in love with each other. And finally, remember that all you want to do is to spend the rest of your life together.

  • Fear – We all have our fears because in reality most of us are afraid of what the future holds. Just keep in mind that, whatever trials destiny might bring, you belong with each other. With that, face your future with your head up. Remember that there are always solutions for every trial we encounter. Forget about pre-wedding jitters and walk the aisle with confidence and unafraid of what tomorrow brings.

  • Doubts – We always think that we know our special someone the moment we hold their hand and look at their eyes. But, sometimes you will feel insecure and doubtful. Nonetheless, always remember, life is a mystery and everyday is a chance to further know ourselves. Trust is one thing, establish it. As much as possible lessen your interactions with “negative thinkers”. You should also avoid reading about unsuccessful marriages. This will only make matters worse. The bottom line is, you said yes, you love him and tell yourself “it is all worth it!”

  • Insecurities – Funny and yet it’s true. Every wedding should be perfect. Your body, your hair, make-up and so on.  But, as far as everyone’s concern, it doesn’t really matter how a bride looks. Since that day is all about you and your love story. Just be yourself and have fun. Enjoy every single second because this day only happens once. Cherish it and make it a memory worth remembering. Just relax, forget about your pre-wedding jitters and everything will be alright.

With that being said, I bid you good luck and wish you a happily ever after. This is your day and no one could ruin it for you. Love is the greatest weapon of all, so stand up straight, breathe and face your special someone with all your heart. Make your dream come true. Remember, pre-wedding jitters is just a phase that every couple goes through. 

Indigestion: How to Prevent One from Occurring?

Food is one of man’s simplest pleasures. Whether you admit or not, gluttony can sometimes overrule your food tolerance especially during special occasions and holidays. Nonetheless, overindulgence is perfectly normal. Unfortunately, indigestion strikes when it is least expected. It can ruin your meal and bring forth several discomforts afterwards. The beauty of this is that with proper preventive measures, you can avoid it and enjoy all your sumptuous meals. With that, if you’re susceptible to indigestion or you don’t want to suffer from one, here are some tips to prevent indigestion from occurring. 

Eat smaller meals slowly and chew every piece

Proper table etiquette is not taught for the sole purpose of socialization. It is also essential for the proper digestion of foods. First is eating small meals. When you eat large portions of meals, your digestive system will eventually need to work hard. This simply means that your body needs to generate sufficient amounts of digestive enzymes and acid to efficiently digest all ingested foods. As a result, heartburn and indigestion occurs. Chewing your food properly and slowly is also very crucial. By doing this, you break food into tiny pieces and prepare it for the next step of the digestion process. Chewing also signals your stomach, small intestine and digestive glands to release necessary enzymes and acid. Hence, ensuring proper digestion. Lastly, talking with your mouth full is also not advisable. This may lead to air ingestion eventually leading to indigestion.

So, if you want to eat a heavy meal especially during holidays, try to take it slow and opt for several small servings. You should enjoy every bite and let its savory flavor linger in your mouth before swallowing. With that, the first important tip you can use to prevent indigestion from occurring is to practice proper table manners with emphasis on the chewing part.

Credit: Petr Kratochvil

Drink moderate amounts of water or fluids during meals

Another tip you can use to prevent indigestion from occurring is to avoid or limit water intake during meals. While this is still an inconclusive and arguable statement, you can choose to follow this tip or not.

Basically, the main concept here is that water dilutes your stomach acids. As mentioned earlier, acid is imperative to further break down ingested food. With lower concentrations of stomach acid, your stomach cannot digest food efficiently. However, in some studies they indicated that drinking water will only cause minor dilution. So, it will not significantly affect the digestion process. Nonetheless, if you are already accustomed to drinking water during meals, you can still do it. Just remember to sip and not gulp it. 

Credit: Petr Kratochvil
Take a daily dose of fiber

Last useful tip to prevent indigestion from occurring is to consume the recommended daily dose of fiber.  Soluble fiber is very important in the digestion process. However, too much fiber can also cause indigestion. So, as a rule of thumb, adult men should limit their fiber intake to 38 grams and 26 grams for women. In addition to that, it is also strongly advised to lower your fiber intake as you get older. Typically, men who are 51 years old and above should limit their fiber intake to 30 grams while women should only consume 21 grams.

Other recommendations

If you are frequently suffering from indigestion, you can also take dietary supplements that aid in digestion such as cellulose and amylase. However, frequent indigestion can sometimes be a sign of an underlying digestive problem. So, you might want to consult your physicians to find out the right course of treatment. With that, hopefully these tips about how to prevent indigestion from occurring will help you enjoy every sumptuous meal without any complications afterwards. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Child Obesity: Are Feeding Your Child too much Food?

Credit: George Hodan (publicdomainpictures.net)
Child obesity is now a growing problem. Some blame junk food manufacturers and fast food chains for their very enticing ads. The question is, are they really the ones responsible for this childhood dilemma? Well, probably yes. But, as parents and guardians, you are held responsible for your child’s optimal growth. On rare occasions, too much love can also lead to this problem. Hence, you might want to ask yourself if you are feeding your child too much food. To answer this, you can think about the following questions and contemplate if you’ve done it or not. 

Do you feed them adult sized meals and encourage them to eat everything?

To find out if you're feeding your child too much, the first thing you should think about is serving size you give them. When feeding your kids, it is not advisable to give them adult sized servings. Compared to your body, a child's organs are still developing. Hence,  it can’t handle large-sized servings. So, what is the exact serving size for children? This will actually depend on their age. You can estimate their appropriate serving size by measuring his and your hand. As a rule of thumb, if his hand is smaller than yours by 1/2, then you can give him half the size of your servings. 

Aside from that, you should also avoid implementing a strict policy that they should eat everything on their plate. When a child’s stomach is full, his immediate body response is to stop eating. Forcing them to eat everything on their plate will only lead to overeating as they grow up. This is because their stomach is already accustomed in digesting large portions of food. Hence, their body  cannot effectively detect satiety or know if they're eating too much. 

Do you deprive or give them too much snacks and sugary treats?

Another important consideration to verify if you are feeding your child too much is the amount of snacks and sugary treats you give. In regards to this matter, depriving or giving your child too much snack is not highly recommended. Obviously, too much snacks and sugar will eventually lead to obesity and diabetes. But, why does deprivation lead to obesity? This is because a child’s craving for snacks and treats will only increase if you restrict them from having it. Hence, if you finally give in, they will satisfy their craving by eating too much.

Basically, the key here is balance. You can do this by creating a consistent eating schedule. Through this, you can check and manage your kid’s eating habits. As much as possible, you should also allot a two-hour interval between snack time and meal. And lastly, avoid giving your child commercialized sugary beverages such as soda and juice. These products are not only addictive but they also contain a lot of calories and no nutrients. It would be best to give them homemade fruit juices or water instead.

Do you encourage them to play sports and other outdoor activities?

Last consideration to find out if you are feeding your child too much is physical activities. How is this related? Basically, like adults, kids should use or burn their calories through various activities. If he doesn't consume these calories it would eventually be stored as fats.

This can actually help you measure your child’s meal servings. For example, your kid is an outgoing person who loves sports. Evidently, his body will need more food compared to those that spend their afternoon watching TV or playing computer games. Plus, you should always encourage your kids to try outdoor activities and interact with other children. This will not only allow them to burn their calories but it will also help them enhance their social skills.

With that, hopefully through these questions, you can assess if you are feeding your child too much. If he is on his way to obesity, you should try to alter his eating habits and schedule. Obesity may seem harmless now. But, this can lead to a lot of serious health issues as he grows old.  

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Getting to Know Your Physique: Which Body Type do You Belong?

Ever wonder why some clothes perfectly fit on others and some don’t? The reason for this is your physique. Clothes especially dresses are specifically designed according to different body figures. Hence, in order to opt for the perfect attire, one should only choose items that will match your body. But, how would you know your exact body type? If you want answers to this question, you have to read this article about the 4 body types.

Hourglass body

Among the 4 body types, an hourglass figure is typically considered as the ideal figure for women. Basically, this body type resembles an hourglass. To illustrate further, if you have this shape, your bust and hips will almost have the same measurements. You will also have a narrow waistline. The great thing about having this body type is that almost all clothing styles will perfectly fit you. In addition to that, when you hypothetically get fat, it would be evenly dispersed. Hence, there will be no visible bulging and your curves will still be noticeable.

Banana or straight body

From the list of 4 body types, most models but not specifically all belong to the straight body. Technically speaking, having a straight body doesn’t mean you don’t have curves. You do, but hourglass body type has more dominant curves. Typically, people with this physique has a small to medium frame and low muscle mass. If ever you gain some weight, fats are typically distributed in your abdominal and buttocks region. Nonetheless, most people under this body type are not prone to overweight issues.
Pear or spoon shape body

The third in the 4 body types is the pear shape. If you can picture a pear fruit, you will notice that it has a broad bottom part. Hence, people under this body type has a broader hips. Both your bust and waistline are narrow with unequal measurements. Hence, when you gain weight, fats would typically be saturated in the hip region. However, the good news is that you will have gorgeous looking arms and neckline. Plus, in most cultures they consider women with this body type sexy and alluring. 

Apple or triangle shape body

Last in the list of 4 body types is the apple or triangle shape. In contrast to the pear-shaped body, people under this body type has narrow hips. Both your bust and waist would have equal measurements which are slightly broader than your hips. Hence, if you have this body type you’ll have dominant shoulders with a strong upper torso region. Does this sound very unfeminine? Well, don’t worry. Men are most likely to have this body type. Women will mostly have an hourglass or a pear shape physique. With that, you can now assess yourself and find out which body type you have. Once you figure that out, finding the right clothing styles that would perfectly fit you will be much easier. 

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Coffee VS Tea: Which would You Prefer?

It is without a doubt that the most popular beverages today are coffee and black or green tea. But, which would you prefer? We all know that both beverages can give various health benefits. It is also a fact that both can give undesirable side-effects because of their caffeine content. So, what now? To answer the first question, let us compare both coffee and tea. Hopefully, in the end, we can crown one winner and end this never-ending debate.


As mentioned earlier, the similarities of coffee and tea are brought to you by their caffeine contents. First, let’s discuss their health benefits. Basically, these two beverages have antioxidant and stimulating effects. They can also be used as an aid in your weight loss programs. Lastly, according to several studies, both beverages are also good for the heart when taken in moderate amounts.
What about their side-effects? Since, both coffee and tea contain caffeine they will also have similar undesirable effects. Insomnia is the most popular effect you will experience if you exceed the recommended daily dose of caffeine. Other side-effects such as nervousness, elevated blood pressure and restlessness will also be experienced with too much caffeine. In addition to that, you can also expect frequent bathroom breaks when drinking any of these beverages because of their diuretic effects.


Going on to their differences, coffee and tea have varying amounts of caffeine content. This is actually one of the  few reasons why most people prefer one from the other. Some studies have noted that the tea leaves have higher caffeine compared to coffee beans. However, because of the brewing process, this may significantly differ. To give you a precise illustration, a 6 ounce coffee has an average caffeine content of 80 to 200 mg while a 7 ounce of tea steep for 3 mins will only contain an approximate amount of 58 to 59 mg.
The calorie content is another variation between coffee and tea. This would actually depend on the additives you use. Take sugar, cream and liqueurs as an example. Adding these flavor enhancers to your coffee will greatly increase their calorie contents. But, if you prefer to drink these beverages in their purest form, studies have shown that both have comparable calorie contents.


Now that both the similarities and differences of coffee and tea are given, it's time for careful deliberations. Clearly, if you’ll base your decision from their differences, tea would be the sure winner. But, what if you drink 6 or 10 cups of tea per day? Technically speaking, this is very unhealthy. So, the key here is moderation whether you are a tea or coffee aficionado. But, of course you have an advantage if you’re a tea lover. You can drink as high as 5 cups of tea per day compared to coffee drinkers who are strongly advised to limit their consumption to  4 cups a day. With that, the winner between coffee and tea will evidently depend on your preferences. As long as you limit your intake within the recommended dosage and drink lots of water, you can opt for either one of them. 

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The Day You'll Say "I Do"

We all dreamed, hoped and wished to find that unique person who would complete the missing pieces in our lives. The one person who would brighten our darkest moments. Someone who would accept us beyond our faults. And finally, someone who would walk with us side by side to the unfamiliar road destiny has set-up for us.

We all have different ideas when it comes to weddings. But, one thing is certain. It is the most ecstatic day for the bride and groom. Everything  is carefully designed to look elegant and perfect, from  the whole event to its tiniest details. Each piece  you select is meticulously scrutinized until you're satisfied that nothing will go wrong. You may get overwhelmed, will eventually panic and release your frustrations on the people around you. But, in the end, it will always be the most remarkable day of your life. Even if it doesn’t go as planned.

Alas! On that special day, when two euphoric people finally decide to dress beyond expectations, find that special place where the two of them could share and invite dozens of witnesses of a love everyone has dreamed of. The moment of truth, a day wherein two people finally exchange their deepest emotions as they promise to fulfil each other’s desires. 

On that day, as the clock ticks and the day goes smoothly, you’ll close your eyes and wish that time freezes. You will want to take that moment to contemplate every single detail of that day and maybe you would ask for more. For this is the day that almost every person imagined when they were kids. A dream that one day, a girl and boy will grow up, find each other and finally share their warmest vows.

We all love weddings, it is one of the most memorable moments of our lives. We stand as witnesses. As we watch this couple, we can’t help ourselves, but fantasize. That someday, sooner or later we are standing on that stage, the center of everyone’s attention and the most gorgeous of them all.   

In a deeper thought, we ask ourselves, what lies behind a perfect wedding? Is it having the most extravagant event of them all? Or is it about the greatest act one could ever watch? For me, it doesn’t really matter how much one had spent that day. It is all about the feelings two people share. Weddings are a man’s way of re-enacting their love story. It’s not about showmanship. It is about letting the world know how much you care and support each other yesterday, today and tomorrow. A simple wedding is enough as long as at the end of the day you look at each other’s eyes with the deepest sincerity. Both of you will smile and feel confident that whatever challenges may occur, you are there for each other not because of what people might think, but because you said, “I do.” 

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Is Dirt Good for Your Children?

Children love to play and get dirty. As a consequence, most parents yell at their children if they catch them covered with mud and dusts. But, did you that according to several researches, exposing your kids to dirt is evidently a good thing. Too much sanitation and protection on the other hand can cause you more health related dilemmas. So, when does too much dirt become unsanitary and unhealthy? To answer this query, let us dissect the benefits of microbes to children. From there, you will find out the exact answers to the above query.

The benefits of dirt for children

The number one benefit of exposing your children to dirt is the development of their immune system. The mechanics behind vaccinations is also applied here. Remember, vaccines are primarily prepared out of germs. It is initially administered to your kids for them to develop antibodies to fight specific types of microbes. Hence, exposing your kid to dirt would essentially boost his resistance to various microorganisms.

Studies have also proved that a specific species of bacteria found in dirt known as Mycobacterium vaccae can enhance your kid’s mood and cognitive skills. Basically, this bacteria discharges cytokines which then triggers the release of serotonin. This hormone is the primary reason for the mood regulation and enhancing one’s IQ.

Lastly, a study done by Dr. Weston Price also indicated that a common component of dirt namely clay aids in digestion and preventing stomach distress. This is because this substance is capable of adsorbing toxic chemicals. This is actually based from his observations on primitive cultures.


As you can notice, dirt can play a vital role in your child’s health. But, of course there are also some risks. Parasitic infections, diarrhea and other infectious diseases can also be acquired through dirt exposure. This is very dangerous especially with constant exposure. So, what now?

The very main concept here is balance. Basically, by allowing your child to get dirty once in a while can help him strengthen his body. But, of course, you can’t be lenient about this matter as well. A soil examination is the best option you can do to verify if there are harmful substances present in the soil. In addition to that, avoid overusing rubbing alcohol, sanitizer and antibiotics. This can definitely weaken one’s immune system. Plus, if you're worried about your child’s optimal health, your child should have periodical checkups. Nonetheless, when it comes to dirt, you should give your child a chance to explore the world. It will not only benefit him physiologically but it will also bring out his adventures side. 

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Healthy Ways to Lose Your Belly Fat

Ever wonder how love handles occur? They are actually fat deposits that are build-up around your stomach. Guess what? You can actually make it disappear. Oops! Wait! It’s not that easy, you have to do your part and actually make it happen. Just stick to your goal, get used to your daily fitness routine and get the well toned abs everyone is dying to have.

Daily exercise is the number one rule in loosing all unwanted fats in your body. But, don’t push yourself too hard. A simple walk going to work, park and school would do. Take time to adjust your body to exercising especially when you’re not used to it. Furthermore, don’t give up easily when muscle sores occur. Remember, it’s a step by step basis. So, take your time and have fun while doing it. Plus, this fitness activity will also improve your health in a long run.
For women, you can try doing hula hoops. It really works especially when it comes to toning your body. A 10  to 15 minute workout session per day is already enough. 

Food intake
There is a theory that when you increase your metabolism you need more food. It is actually true. However, there are also some methods that you could apply to trick your mind to eat less yet feel full. First, before eating, try drinking a glass of water. This will make your stomach full causing you to eat less. Second, eat in smaller plates. Why? Psychologically, this will actually let you think that the plate is full. In reality, it is actually the same as eating in a big plate but with lesser contents. Third is to eat fruits and vegetables. These products contain lesser fats and it’s high in fibers that aids in digestion. With its vitamins and mineral contents, it can boost your immune system and at the same time act as anti-oxidants. Plus, even if you eat tons of these products it won’t affect you figure even since it’s not concentrated with carbohydrates and fats. Lastly, don’t starve yourself. It will just make things worse. Create a healthy eating habit just limit your intake of unhealthy fats and you’ll be looking perfect in due time.

Boost your metabolism by taking Vitamin B complex
Why boost your metabolism? In biochemistry, we learn that there are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They all have their different roles in our body. Always remember that carbohydrates are the very first group consumed or converted to energy when doing work. Fats are then converted next. When they are not consumed, they are eventually stored in your body.  Proteins, on the other hand, are vital components to repair your muscles and tissues. In correlation to metabolism, an increase in metabolism would need more energy. Hence, there will be lesser chances of fat storage since energy conversion is too fast.Yo can also try drinking beverages that boost metabolism such as brewed coffee and green tea. 

Dream, believe and make it happen
Most people get frustrated easily. But, always keep in mind that you need to have self-control and discipline if we want to meet your goals. It takes a lot of courage and determination to get this. Don’t lose hope that easily. Practice makes perfect. Just trust yourself that you can do it and work hard for it.  Sooner or later, all your hard work will pay off. 

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